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Join Us in Making a Difference: Volunteer for a Committee!

Our mission is to collaborate with local leaders and residents in revitalizing and enhancing our historic downtown business community.


There are three main areas we focus on in order to accomplish this:


1. Design (Improve the buildings and streetscapes)

2. Promotion (Get the word out)

3. Economic Vitality (Make downtown prosperous)


Explore the three committees, then apply below for any of the committee's that interest you!

The Design Committee

A huge part of renewing downtown is going to be updating the look and feel of the streetscape and the buildings themselves.


Members of the design committee support our community’s transformation by enhancing the buildings and open spaces that set our historic district apart.


Historic Preservation is in the forefront and façade rehab will likely be a big component.


You are perfect for the design committee if you are a:

  1. Contractor

  2. Member of the Historic Landmark Commission

  3. Architect or engineer

  4. Downtown building or business owner

  5. Involved in a women's or garden club or want to volunteer to beautify the downtown streetscape.


flowers, trees, benches along a historic downtown business community_edited.jpg

The Promotion Committee

Promotion is all about getting the word out about our downtown!


Members of this committee help to position our downtown district as the center of the community and hub of economic activity, while creating a positive image that showcases our unique characteristics.


This committee will need to stay in contact with the downtown business owners and inform them of plans and get ideas for events.


  • Marketing, party planning for bringing everyone together.

  • Campaigns, branding, media, social media.


You are perfect for the Promotion Committee if you are a:

  1. Graphic Designer

  2. Social Media Manager/PR Specialist

  3. Great at party planning

  4. Advertising/marketing agency or sign maker

  5. Good at managing projects or love marketing

lots of people and families enjoying a live entertainment event on the street of their his

Economic Vitality Committee

This committee focuses on economic and financial tools to assist new and existing business, catalyze property development, and create supportive environments for entrepreneurs to drive our local economy.


Its all about finding the right new businesses to move into our empty downtown buildings and helping the existing businesses there to thrive.


You are perfect for the Economic Vitality Committee if you are a:

  1. Local business owner

  2. Downtown property owner

  3. Work at a local bank or credit union

  4. Member of the Chamber of Commerce or an Economic Development pro

  5. Real Estate Agent


happy people shopping at a local shop in the historic downtown community.png
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